
A Hawza university aiming to disseminate a conscious and moderate specialized Islamic discourse, characterized by the depth, authenticity, and renewal of the esteemed Najaf Hawza. The university is sponsored by the Supreme Religious Authority in Najaf.

The university awards a certificate that has the highest degree of recognition among all seminaries. The student is awarded a graduation certificate after completing the four-year study requirements.

The university is sponsored by the Supreme Religious Authority in Najaf Al-Ashraf, and studying there is completely free.

Studying at the university is electronic (online) and does not require the student’s attendance at all. Scientific content, including curricula and video and audio lessons, is provided on a university-specific lesson website that the student can access via (a username and password) provided after completing the electronic registration process.

Registration at the university begins in July. During this period, the student must fill out the electronic registration form located on the registration page.

The first stage: If the age is 18 years or above and the educational attainment is (preparatory school certificate) or its equivalent.
Preliminary stage: If the age is less than 18 years or the educational attainment is less than (preparatory school certificate) or its equivalent.

1- Application is for females only.
2- The applicant must be at least 18 years old.
3- The applicant must have at least a preparatory (secondary) certificate or its equivalent.
4- If the applicant has a certificate less than a preparatory school certificate, she can register in the preliminary stage.
5- The student must fill out the electronic registration form through the link below and send electronic copies of the required documents (citizen ID, passport + document, endorsement, or graduation certificate) in order for the account to be confirmed and she can enter the academic courses at the beginning of the academic year.
6- The student pledges that the information entered in the registration form is correct.

The number of years of study at the university is four years if the student fulfills the two conditions for admission (age and certificate), and an introductory year is added to it before the first stage if the student does not fulfill one of the two conditions, in addition to two specialized stages after graduation, to which application is optional.

1- After completing the electronic registration process, the student will be provided with an account (user name and password). Please keep a copy of it so that the student can access the educational lessons website with the start of the new academic year.
2- The student must log in to the educational lessons website within two weeks of the start of the new academic year. Otherwise, the student’s account will be automatically deleted.
3- The student’s attendance is automatically recorded by viewing the video and audio lessons.
4- The university does not legally permit taking exams until after listening to 70% of the lessons for each subject.

The university’s academic system is divided into two parts:
– First semester: 50 points (the student takes the first half of the curriculum)
– Second semester: 50 marks (the student takes the exam in the second half of the curriculum)
Both of the above chapters are called the first section
The student’s passing grade is 50 after taking the first and second semester exams.
The university grants a decision grade of 6 for the first semester, provided that the student’s status is changed from failure to success, with the possibility of distributing this grade over more than one lesson.
Example: A student whose final grades in the jurisprudence subject was 48 and the doctrine subject was 46 (she deserves a decision grade and will be added to the two subjects and is considered successful).
Second round: 100 marks (the student takes an exam in the entire curriculum)
Example: A student whose final grades in the subject of jurisprudence were 44 and the subject of beliefs was 44 (she does not deserve a decision grade for any subject and she must take the second round exam in both subjects).
The university awards a decision grade of 6 for the second round under the same conditions above.
Motivational questions: 5 marks added to the final grade for the subject, awarded by the subject professor after answering the motivational questions in the scientific groups via Telegram, provided that the final grade for the subject does not exceed 100 marks.

✅ Exams are conducted electronically through a website dedicated to exams, the link to which is published. Before the exams begin, the student logs in with the same account (username and password).
✅ Each exam for each subject consists of 25 questions and each question carries 2 marks, so the final score for the exam is 50 marks per semester.
✅All questions are of a multiple-choice type and the student must choose the correct answer.
✅With regard to the second round, the exam will consist of 50 questions, and each question will receive 2 marks, so the final score will be 100 marks.

A student who wishes to improve her final average is allowed to take no more than two subjects only, provided that her final grade in one subject does not exceed 64 degrees.
The student takes the full curriculum exam of 100 marks with the date of the second round exams, and the student has no right to recover her previous grade at all.

The top students have the ten highest final grades for the first round, provided that the student’s grade is not less than 90%.
Distinguished students are every student who obtained a final average of 90% or higher in the first and second rounds.

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